Why is alkaline ionized water the perfect water?
Why is alkaline ionized water the perfect water?
"Water is all the same!" You sure have heard someone say that. Or even, that: “The perfect water is tasteless (without flavor), Odorless (without odor) and colorless (without color)”. These two statements could not be more wrong. Today I will teach you that there are several types of water, but only one is perfect: alkaline ionized water.
The different types of water
For this comparative article I will use four types of water: bottled (from small bottles to 20-liter drums), tap, filtered, and alkaline ionized water.
Looking at the image above it is impossible to tell the difference between these glasses of water, right? But, did you know that even though they look exactly alike they are completely different? And when I say different it is because they are different, from their taste to the chemical-molecular structure.
But let's go from the beginning.
Pros - economical and practical
Cons - Contains harmful chemicals such as heavy metals and chlorine.
Let us start with the most common water of the four types we have selected, the water that reaches mine, yours and the tap of around 90% of the population, pre-treated water in treatment plants.
In the last few years, the quality of the pre-treatment that water receives to reach our homes with drinking water has evolved a lot. However, what is used to kill bacteria is unfortunately also harmful to us. I know the importance of chlorine to ensure that the water that is made available to us is considered “safe”, without it, it would be practically impossible to take tap water. But the correct thing would be to remove the chlorine before using the water, either for drinking, hygiene, or bathing. In addition, 77 million Americans are exposed to unsafe drinking water according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Chlorine and heavy metals are responsible for skin, respiratory, digestive diseases, and potentiate several other evils such as hormonal problems and cellular malformation. These chemicals also make the water heavier and less hydrating. In addition, ordinary water does not have significant amounts of minerals and other beneficial elements.
So, as much as it arrives drinking for us, it is by no means the ideal solution for you to consume daily.
Pros - More beneficial elements
Cons - Plastic contamination, pollution, acidity.
One of the main characteristics of perfect water is to have an alkaline pH and this is very difficult to find in bottled water. You can check it out, take the first bottle of water you have on hand and check its pH, I’m able to bet it’s below 7, that is, it’s acidic.
Without alkalinity, water is a tool for disease and not for health / healing. Most diseases spread in acidic environments, drinking alkaline water benefits our immune system by avoiding evils ranging from simple flu to degenerative diseases like Parkinson's.
Another problem that can be even more serious compared to acidity is the contamination of water through plastic. Plastic beverage packaging, especially in the USA, has a chemical compound called Bisphenol A (BPA), which is so dangerous that it is prohibited in several countries in the world (in the USA, unfortunately, it is only prohibited in containers for babies and young children as bottles and spout cups). BPA has a structure similar to the female hormone xenoestrogen and, for this reason, the body can get confused and cannot distinguish what is BPA and what is natural estrogen and this leads to hormonal dysregulation that makes you gain weight, having mood swings, decreased libido and other very uncomfortable symptoms.
As if all these problems were not enough, there is still the pollution that plastic bottles cause. According to The Container Recycling Institute 22 billion plastic water bottles are dumped into the ocean every year... If you use water drums, all the previous problems are present with a negative addition, the lack of practical logistics. It is very uncomfortable to carry giant 20-kg bottles up and down, or to let a stranger into your home to take for you.
All that said, do you still think bottled water is perfect for you? I wouldn't think so, huh.
Filtered water
Pros - An additional treatment for tap water
Cons - Acidity, low efficiency in water treatment, does not enrich the water with beneficial elements.
Common filters are a great way to reduce the problems caused by heavy metals, chlorines and some bacteria, however some do not meet the standards necessary to consider the water completely pure.
More powerful filters, such as reverse osmosis, do not suffer from this problem, they literally remove everything from the water, and this is also a problem. By making such a powerful filtering process, these devices remove all the elements present in the water, the bad and the good ones too, leaving a dead water, without minerals, without antioxidants, without anything but hydrogen and oxygen and this is extremely harmful to our health. (As Dr. Jacqueline Gerhart talks about here)
During the day we lose a lot of elements in urine and sweat, we always need to replace them and the best way to refill is through water. If your water has absolutely nothing, it is dead water, you can have serious problems like hyponatremia, which is a severely low level of sodium in the body, this can even lead to death.
An ideal filter removes everything that is bad in the incoming water, but in addition to maintaining the good, it enriches it with other ingredients. A perfect filter only produces the perfect water and that's what we'll talk about next.
Ionized alkaline water
Pros - Antioxidants, rich in minerals, light, pure, alkaline and ionized, best cost-benefit in the long run.
Cons - Higher initial investment.
This is considered the best water in the world by several experts and it is no wonder. It has all the ideal characteristics for a water that hydrates you with quality. Let's get to know each one of them?
- Mineral richness: Ionized alkaline water has high doses of alkaline minerals essential to life such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, which is so important that it is known as the mineral of life.
- Antioxidation: It has reduced ORP, which is the indicator of antioxidation, this means that alkaline ionized water slows down the aging process and fights degenerative diseases.
- Purity: It is perfect because it is free of any contaminants, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals and chlorine. It only keeps what does us good.
- Alkalizing power: This item is worth a little more detailed explanation. Much more than being alkaline, water needs to have an alkalizing power. This power is measured through PRAL. PRAL is an acronym in English that means Potential Renal Acid Load. Discovered by Remer and Manz in 1995, both managed for the first time to calculate the acid or alkaline charge of food by comparing its consumption with the measurement of urinary pH. The kidneys have a limited ability to eliminate acids through the urine. This makes it so the more and more processed foods, as well as an excessive intake of sulfur proteins, have made our diet more acidic, with positive PRAL and this ends up leading to diseases. While alkaline diets with negative PRAL protect us. PRAL is then a metric used to determine whether the diet has an acidifying or alkalizing power.
- Hydration Power: Alkaline water has a unique characteristic, while ordinary waters have H2O molecules that are grouped in groups of 12 to 50 elements, which makes the water “heavier”. Already ionized alkaline groups its molecules into groups of 6, which makes it lighter and more hydrating, as it reaches places where ordinary water never reaches.
The most amazing thing about alkaline ionized water is that, until recently, it was only found in nature in extremely distant places like Sardinia in Italy and the Hunza Valley in The Himalayan Mountains (a place recognized worldwide as having the people who live the longest with much more health and disposition, with many individuals reaching 120 years old while having an active life thanks to the diet and the water they drink) Today, anyone can have the perfect water, regardless of the city they live in, just purchase an ionizer filter.
These devices turn ordinary water into perfect water quickly and conveniently. It is as if the tap of your house is turned on directly in a lake of these remote and preserved places. No contamination by BPA, without having to carry heavy bulks of water, without difficulty and with the best cost-benefit of all
Alkaline Water Filters
Meet the Acqualive filter lines, designed to meet the most diverse audiences and needs. Several models are ranging from bench systems to filters for continuous flow. The entire line turns tap water into the ideal water for your health for an alkaline and ionized solution.