How can alkaline water help treat diseases?
How can alkaline water help treat diseases?
In August 2014, Sally N. Akarolo-Anthony published in the American Heart Association's Stroke magazine stating that individuals who have lower levels of magnesium in their blood have a 34% higher risk of having a stroke. (Study Here)
In the same year, Yanni Papanikolaou wrote an article for the Journal of Human Nutrition & Food Science explaining his study of 14,338 men and women over 20 years old. The “National Health and Nutrition Examination in the United States (NHANES)” survey, carried out between 2001 and 2010, concluded that by increasing magnesium intake there were improvements in treatments against hypertension and in the levels of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin and C-reactive protein (inflammation marker), in addition to decreasing obesity and waist circumference. (Studies here)
Finally, both researchers stated that:
“The best absorption of magnesium occurs when it is diluted in alkaline water. The use of alkaline magnesium water, together with adequate food choices has the potential to reduce the risk of diabetes, hypertension, strokes, obesity, cholesterol and triglyceride problems. An intake of magnesium-rich water is a smart strategy to change the health of individuals, families and the general population. ”
In addition, thinking of bringing this quality water to people's lives, Acqualive has developed ionizers that transform tap water into alkaline, ionized with minerals rich in magnesium, calcium, and potassium water. These ionizers are available on our website.