Discover the Secret of the 4 Regions Where People Live Longer and Better
Discover the Secret of the 4 Regions Where People Live Longer and Better
Did you know there are places where people have more disposition, vitality, and longer life expectancy? In this post, you’ll discover the secret of the four regions where people live longer and better!
Get to know the four regions where people live longer and better
1) Okinawa, Japan
The Japanese always stand out in the world rankings in longevity, far above other regions because they have a life expectancy of 84 years. Their diet is one of the factors contributing to such high rates, with the predominance of fresh vegetables, rice, and fish.
Also, it is known that the Japanese culturally have healthier habits and lifestyles: they practice various martial arts, walk more often, perform outdoor activities, among other healthy practices.
In this same context, but even more surprising, are the inhabitants of the small island of Okinawa. Located farther south of Japan, in the East China Sea, Okinawa was studied for many years by doctors, scientists, and researchers who sought to understand what made these inhabitants the longest-lived in the world.
An example is a record set by the Guinness Book in 1979 when Shigechiyo Izumi was 115 years old and at the time, considered the oldest man in the world.
The Secret of Okinawa Water
Through numerous studies and researches, it has been found that the water consumed in Okinawa is very different from the water consumed in other islands in Japan. Unlike other island formations (islands that were formed from volcanoes), Okinawa consists of an old coral reef.
These corals absorb a large number of minerals from ocean waters. Thus, when it rains, the water filtered through this coral formation becomes full of these nutrients. The relationship found is that the water they drink is rich in minerals, ionized, alkaline (has a high pH), and is a natural antioxidant, with an ideal molecular structure that enhances the power of cell hydration.
2) Himalayas, Northern Pakistan
Hunza Valley is located in northern Pakistan and is one of the places where the oldest people on the planet live. The high mountain valley is surrounded by the Himalayan mountain range, the most extensive high altitude mountain range on the planet!
If the valley is recognized for its natural beauty, the Hunza people are known for their kindness, hospitality, and longevity. The Huza people are incredibly healthy and, believe it or not, Hunza Valley inhabitants live between 120 and 140 years, in excellent health, with almost no reported cases of cancer, degenerative disease, or bone loss. (Hunza people study)
Many studies have been done with these people, and the conclusion scientists have come to is that a healthy diet, based on carefully cultivated organic food and glacial, mineral-rich water are the great secrets of these people.
The Hunza Water
People drink water directly from the glacial fountains formed on the Himalayan summit. It is fresh and invigorating, energizing, and free of any harmful substances. It is a perfect example of natural water. The differentials found in Hunza water are high alkalinity, low surface tension, and high concentration of minerals.
3) Sardinia, Italy
Situated on the Mediterranean coast, Sardinia is a rugged island of approximately 1.3 million inhabitants. The Sardinia region is also one of the places with the highest life expectancy in the world, with people living for, on average, 79.7 years. (Learn more here)
In the Sardinia region, most inhabitants still live with one or more family members. Men are shepherds, and many, to this day, maintain this same lifestyle. They usually walk a lot and eat whole grains, fava beans, tomatoes, vegetables, garlic, various types of fruits, olive oils, and a wide variety of cheeses.
The rock formation and terrain constitution in Sardinia are of volcanic origin, combined with various types of sediment. Natural sources of water are highly alkaline - with a pH above 8.0 - and have a very low salinity index. Today, it is known that this type of water is mostly responsible for the longevity of the Sardinian population.
4) Abkhazia, Georgia
Known as “the longevity capital of the world,” the people of Abkhazia live in the Caucasus Mountains, northern Russia, and southern Georgia.
Abkhazia has historically been known for its many centenarians and their remarkable health.
In Abkhazia, their people mainly eat fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and some whole grains. The consumption of animal products is low.
As mountainous residents, the physical activity of hiking is intense, no matter the age. Unlike Western societies, Abkhazia people yearn to grow old, as the elders of the community are valued and respected.
The characteristic feature between all these regions
A common trait among the regions is striking: everyone consumes alkaline and ionized quality water daily. In these regions, water sources have these characteristics (alkaline and ionized). Researchers who have been trying for years to understand the main factors that contribute to a high longevity rate and a better quality of life, state: “Water quality and its health-beneficial properties are some of the factors that make these places unique to live at.”
Ionized water has numerous health benefits for consumers, starting with the best known of them, alkalinization.
Alkalinization: Alkaline water is considered to be one of the most essential tools for maintaining health and quality of life, aiding in physiological processes and helping to prevent diseases from proliferating as they preferentially develop in an acidic environment. Want to know all about alkaline water? Click here to stay on top of this powerful ally for your life.
Mineralization: Another great benefit is the number of minerals that are added to water. Minerals are essential to the life and proper functioning of the body, such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Speaking of magnesium, the mineral ionization process is so complete that the water that goes through this procedure is also known as magnesian water.
Hydration: Ionized water is lighter because, through chemical processes, the clusters of H2O molecules are broken down and reunified into groups of only six molecules, allowing water to hydrate more as it reaches capillaries that it could not reach before.