Make Sure Water is Not Your Concern
The year 2020 started in an unusual way. We are going through one of the biggest health crises in decades. Right now, health, safety and prevention must be a top priority in our lives.
Preventing us from being exposed to the virus is the best way out so that we can maintain safe in controlled numbers, that way a large part of the world is going through a quarantine, but just not leaving home is not a complete solution, we must also control who or what comes into our homes.
Do you consume water from bottles, cans or tab? Know that this can be a gateway for viruses and bacteria to your family environment, either by the risk of having to leave the house every time the water runs out or by having to receive gallons that may not be in accordance with the security measures suggested in this period. So, answer me: Do you trust the quality and safety of the water you are drinking and offering to those you love?
In addition to the insecurity regarding the quality and hygiene of water containers, we also have the problem of scarcity. How many times have you gone to drink a glass of water and found that you had run out and was empty? Now imagine this uncomfortable situation in the middle of a quarantine or at times when you will not get the replacement.
Your family's food security and stability begins with the need to have a safe and reliable water source that you can count on 24 hours a day. We currently have many things to worry about, water in your home needs to be a solution, not part of that problem.
If the situation follows the current course, even the supply of essential services can be hampered. The shelves start to run out of stock, just like with alcohol, which leads us to a reflection, what is more fundamental for our life? Alcohol or water? Even though water is the correct answer, we place little value on it. Imagine if you could, today, have a small plant that manufactures alcohol in your home, you would probably buy it, right? Well, such a device does not exist, but a source of pure, safe and practical water not only exists, but is the best solution for your life.
Regardless of the situation, don't run out of water
Acqualive ionizer filters are a complete solution for the needs of a home, especially in times of uncertainty like the current one.
Firstly, due to its high filtering power. Our equipment has maximum certification in water treatment and filtration granted by Inmetro. Exclusive candles have smaller pores than smaller bacteria, that is, they are a physical barrier that ensures that these parasites, as well as physical contaminants and heavy metals, are retained, allowing only pure and healthy water to pass through.
In addition, refills have a double layer of colloidal silver inside, which guarantees the power to eliminate any infectious organic beings that may pass through the physical barrier, such as viruses. It is worth noting that colloidal silver is immune to virus mutations.
Acqualive refills are so powerful that a report prepared by Unicamp University proved that our filters remove even the most commonly found pesticides in water, given the filtering power they have.
Gravity models work regardless of external connections to water points or the need for electricity, that is, if your house has no power supply, you can still do the filtering process. Which is excellent, as it guarantees greater autonomy for the device, guaranteeing its access to water even in the most difficult situations.
Another data worth mentioning is that of a study carried out in the Netherlands by the KWR Institute for research on water, which demonstrates through analyzes collected in the cities' sewage, that the new Coronavirus can cross the entire digestive tract and be found in faecal coliforms. , thus, water contaminated with faecal coliforms is a potential vector for the transmission of Covid-19, in addition to the diseases that these organisms can naturally cause.
All Acqualive filters have the ability to remove almost all of these coliforms, making you more protected from the new Coronavirus, after all refills stop the passage of coliforms, colloidal silver eliminates the remains of any viruses and you keeps your filter in a safe environment, with hygiene up to date, without needing strangers to make regular deliveries to your home, which makes your quarantine period much more efficient.
In this moment of uncertainty, we want you to have at least one certainty: that you will be drinking the best water in the world, filtered with excellence, with total security and in the comfort and practicality of your home. Do not give up your security. Have the best for the one you love. Have an Acqualive.